My involvement with Newark element14 was to help sell electronic products—from connectors to capacitors to test equipment to voltage testers. On a daily basis, I helped create the site’s digital content (banners, ads, headlines, titles, etc.) to engage a customer base chock full of engineers, maintenance crews, hobbyists, tinkerers and the like.  Lots of gadgets. Lots of research.

When coming up with a headline or a banner ad or a small blurb, I focused on the end-user’s benefits. I pictured technicians at a workbench, struggling with their latest prototype. I imagined engineers gleefully fine-tuning their frequencies. I wondered about how these instruments and solutions helped students and hackers and makers design their next big project.

Also, I’m a big fan of wordplay, so it was always fun to dive in to the benefits of these very technical products and latch on to a unique phrase or a concept or even a gesture to get forward motion. A little alliteration goes a long way, too. In the end, the message is simple yet thoughtful.